Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Origin of Michael learns to fish*

My master bought me and christened me Michael after a legendary pop star. Apparently this pop star had one or two features which I could emulate easily and even do better , No it wasn't singing ...

Since I was the angry, rude and troublesome one --always chasing the Goldfish - Nev started playing numbers from this Scandinavian group Michael learns to Rock in order to soothe me down. I don't think it made too much difference since eventually all the Goldfish ran out of breath and started swimming upside down. With no one to play with, I decided to pen my thoughts and borrowed the pop group's title for my articles.

*Above post was written by popular demand from the readers of this site.


At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please be elaborating more on the "one or two things Michael could do better than the pop star" theme

At 5:20 AM, Blogger Nev said...

I talked to Nev about this. Quite honestly even I was confused and he told me that since I was a baby when he adopted me, he had to teach me to fish, by planting some pretty lil things aka Goldfish. One of the readers did guess correctly and deserves a round of applause. Too bad I can't clap with my fins :(


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